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Boyne Valley Camino

West Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth

The Boyne Valley Camino is a self-guided, 25km looped walk from Drogheda, which forms part of the Celtic Camino series. It was created by the Boyne Valley Walking and Drogheda Walks teams.

The walk goes along the Boyne, through beautiful Townley Hall woods, via two OPW sites of Old Mellifont Abbey and Oldbridge House, through the village of Tullyallen, along the Boyne Canal, and returns to Drogheda along the stunning Boyneside Trail.

Official Camino Passports can be used to collect beautiful stamps created by local artists en route. This 25km Boyne Valley Camino can be continued in Galicia by walking the old pilgrim route from A Coruña (the port of landing of pilgrims from Ireland through ages) to Santiago de Compostela (75km) to complete the 100km required to receive an official Compostela.

Download a Boyne Valley Camino Map & Guide below, or pick up a copy from the Drogheda Tourist Office at The Tholsel, West St, Drogheda.

Watch this video for more on the Boyne Valley Camino, plus what Drogheda and the surrounding area has to offer:

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